
By: Jenny Buxhoeveden

On the 24th of March, the chatter and banter of the future filled the air at Camden County College. Passionate students anxiously walked up and down the isle of tables, which were represented by 4-year colleges. All academic and transfer coordinators patiently stood at their pamphlet filled tables, while waiting for questions to be asked.  Out of all of the colleges represented, Rowan University was a popular choice for students to linger around.

One student in particular stood nervously in front of the table, Paul Vanden Rosche, and began to converse with Transfer Coordinator, Dr. Luci Nurkowski. Paul began by saying, “I’m looking to transfer out.” Dr. Nurkowski nodded, grinned, and began to describe the transfer process for Rowan University with ease. Rowan accepts 10-11 transfer students into each of their majors with a GPA of 3.0. After applying as a transfer student, the Dean and the department chair review the application and a decision will be made within a few weeks of applying. Dr. Luci Nurkowski exclaims that most students typically major in education at Rowan, but all other majors just as popular.

Paul Vanden Roshce, a second year student at Camden County College, is one of many students looking to transfer to Rowan University. Rowan is one of Paul’s choices as a 4-year college because it is local and less costly than most colleges, including is other top choice, Drexel University. He hopes to be accepted and enrolled by next fall.

After just a few hours of loud noise, questions, nervous students, and helpful advisors, the Transfer Fair slowly came to an end.  The eventful day was over as students proudly held the pamphlets to their school of choice in their hands and proceeded to leave the building. The excitement died down as the represented colleges began to pack up. Although the event was over, the passion from both the students and advisors still lingered in the air, which was a fanatic way to end such an exhilarating event.

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